Thursday, August 4, 2011

descriptive essay

My most memorable vacation

  Many people have their own memorable vacations. But, I think mine is the best memorable thing in the world.
My most memorable vacation was the vacation in the fall time-between September and October. At that time, I went to the Gum-Gang mountain, which is located in North Korea.
  It was full of colors-brown, yellow, red, orange, and green. All of the colors were bright and beautiful. Before I climb up to the mountain, it seemed like  that the whole mountain was set on the fire.
 When I climb the mountain, I can feel the rich green grass in the ground, and I can also feel the fresh air on the mountain. There was a waterfall, and I can hear the waters dropping on the end of the waterfall, which made my mind fresh, and it was also making the slipping sound. The waterfall was just look like a white dragon is going to the ground.
 When I  go to the small river, -bigger than a stream, but smaller than a river- I thought that It has three or four meters range. The water was too transparent, so i can see the rocks under the water. Also, when the noon came, I can see that the water was glittering. And, there was some maple leaves on the water, and there were maple trees around the water.
I drank the water, and it was so cool that I was drinking the cup of water which contains ice.
While I was going across the bridge between one part from another, which was located 10 meters over the ground, I was so scared.

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