Thursday, August 11, 2011

Creative Writing

The Cave

I was walking in the woods when suddenly i saw someting strange on the path ahead. There were milions of tiny footprints coming out of the bushes, crossing the path, and disappearing into the bushes on the other side. i had some free time so i decided tofollow the footprints, so I looked inside the bushes.And there was a giantic rabbit inside it!
i thought it's fur is soft, so I touched it. But, it was my mistake. As soon as I touch the rabbit's soft fur, rabbit opened it's eyes and ran away.
But, it's fur was so soft, so I followed rabbit, but it was too fast, and I'mgoing deep into the woods.
I was too tired and it started to rain.
As soon as I was looking around, there was a large cave, so I was curious that why I can't see it before.
Anyway, I go inside, and there was something shining inside the cave.
 'Ah, this was the reason why inside the cave was so shining!' I thought.
So, I went dipper into the cave, and there was a shining cube.
I was so curious, so I touched it.

And the weather changed.

So, I was very suprised and went out. And there was.....dinosours! Oh my god! what should I do?
And the biggest dinosour saw me and ran to me. That dinosour was....Tyrannosaurus Rex !

I ran into cave and touched the cube again. Then, the weather changed again.
I went out. It was fall. All of the shining leaves were rolling around.
I get some leaves on the ground which was the most colorful ones in the world.

When I took my head up, I saw a boy starind at me. Then, the boy ran to his family and brought his mom. His mom was pretty, who looks same as me...... Wait! it's me!

I was so suprised so I go into the cave again and touch the cube.
Then, I was at the time when I started the abvanture.
I thought that it could be the dream, but there was colorful leaves in my hand. It wasn't a dream

A policeman saw me, but I think he can't see the cave. Why? i was curioused so I searched about the cave. I the Legend of the Europe, it is sayinf that there was a guy named Demiderus and he made the magical cave which can go to the future, past, and present, and the people who has only one drop of Demiderus' blood in the blood, they can use the cave.

I was suprised, and i keep this secret. When my teacher taught about the civil war, I went to the place and do my homework.

Few years later, I married a doctor named Eric, and I got a son named Tom, and i moved away.
One day, we went to the picnic, and Tom, said to me that there is a cave and a girl. So I followed, and I saw....

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